Google vs Oracle


Recently while listening to Pauls Security Weekly [High Level Lessons – Enterprise Security Weekly #85] (great podcast!), they very briefly mentioned a lawsuit concerning Google and Oracle. Which had started around 8 years ago and its been ongoing since. This was apparently common knowledge to all…..but me.

In briefly hearing this I immediately has an initial reaction and chose a side. I was a bit upset with Oracle, but obviously unjustifiable since I didn’t have all the facts. Nonetheless, my interest was peaked and wanted to hear more about it, and rather than lead with my feelings like an idiot, I figured I should research it and be better informed to see what’s up?

The Lawsuit
After reading a couple of articles (see a few articles below), I found that I was less outraged with Oracle and could see why either side had their case, and why it was being dragged out. The lawsuit concerns whether or not Google used too much Java for developing the Android market when they didnt purchase a license. Java is open source to a certain point, but if it is utilized further, then you obviously need a license. The case is currently in favor of Oracle and they are expected to receive ~ $8.8 million dollars, but the case isnt closed.

My history with Java
In my college career, one of the core fundamental computer science classes you need to take is an object oriented class. Java seems like the most logical ( I suppose) to teach to students to quickly understand the concept, and still keep up in class. This is due to the fact that, the only languages computer science students might know is C++ and transferring over is relatively easy.

Now I don’t hate Java or anything. I think it’s a useful language and easy to create GUIs in a rush. But my outrage came from…well if Java isn’t truely open source, then why is it being taught in higher education? Why are students, in a sense, being misguided? If a student utilizes too much Java, they might also end up in a lawsuit. Well then what does this mean for future coders? Should they avoid the language all together because you might not know what “too much” is?

Obviously I’m not as outraged as I was in the beginning, but im still equally concerned. What fun is it to write code but constantly worrying about whether or not your in the realm of your license? It limits the creativity a programmer can do, and creates a weird environment of even utilizing it. Why use Java when there are other languages out there you can use and not have to worry about. (Python for the win!)

Moving Forward?… I like Java, and of course will keep coding in it, but I will obviously have to limt its use for general tinkering and playing around with. I probably wont use in any official capacity. That coupled with the fact that too many vulnerabilities are presented with Java….ehh not really for me.

But I don’t know those are my thoughts in the matter, I am only one individual. Obviously this is subjective since this is a personal blog. But I’m curious to know thoughts others might have in the matter? Does anyone else find that they are taking a side, or having the same thoughts?

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