Indifference In Society


Today I just wanted to go a quick rant. I mainly want to try and understand why society is increasingly giving up their right to privacy? Why don’t they care to secure their own data?

This was sprung up by a conversation I was having with one of my classmates from my machine learning class. I was explaining to him my career interest in infosec, and all the tools and possibilities, and the importance of it all (I get really excited when I explain what I like/do), to which he simply responses with “I don’t know, security isn’t for me, mainly cause I feel like it doesn’t matter. All your info is going to get hack anyways”

My initial reaction was just shock and I was left dumbfounded. I couldn’t understand it. This is a like minded individual who sees the value in technology, machine learning and the importance of data, but found no interest in securing data whatsoever. Not even his own? What?!

And I realized, its not an individualistic thing, it’s not only him, its our society. It’s a systemic problem. In general our society is increasingly becoming numb to the idea of right to privacy. They are consistently hit with waves of data breaches from every company imaginable. Their privacy is either invaded or they just are willing to give it away for a minuscule convenience. They are unaware of what they could’ve done, and instead throw their hands in the air, and give up.

I’d rather they at least get upset, then complacent. It would mean they at least care?

I know I’m making an obvious observation, but whatever, I don’t care. This genuinely upsets me, and I don’t think its said often enough. We need to ask ourselves “why”, and ultimately get to the “How”. How do we get people to care…especailly when it involves their own data and privacy?

But that’s all. Rant is over. Let me know what your stance is though? Are you all indifferent to it all, or do you care? Leave me a comment.

In case you need a visual of data breaches, check out InformationIsBeautiful.nets site (first link below) Second link is an article about GDPR, thought it might be relevant.

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