5 Podcasts I Dig


Let me just throw this out there, I love podcasts. I think they’re an awesome medium to which you can definitely multitask to and it not have a negative impact. I listen to them all the time, when I’m straighten my hair, put on makeup, commute to work, or go for walks during my lunch break. Lol. Oddly enough in that order.

But not everyone listens to podcasts, and I think they’re truly missing out. So today I thought I’d share my top 5 favorite security podcasts I’m actually excited to listen to and find myself laughing with. Some of which I have recommended to coworkers and they actually liked too, and some I think everyone might enjoy

So here are my top 5 security podcasts I truly dig, and have ranked according to how security minded they are. Level 1-10, with 10 meaning its heavy in infosec and 1 for the general audiences everyone can enjoy.

1. Paul’s Security Weekly
This one I absolutely find incredibly valuable! It features Paul Asadoorian and several other hosts, which vary depending on which series you focus in on. Now this one is extra special because they split it up into various series. And they are as follows:

Now if you notice, they are categorized by where you are on your professional career. For me, personally, I find I’m always excited for Pauls Security and Application Security. Mainly because they talked about the latest news in Infosec, but also about the available open source tools you can use, and some book recommendations sometimes. Actually I think I might do a book review on some of those books. Cause I liked them and I think anyone reading this might enjoy.
The only problem with this podcast is that there are too many episodes to keep up! Lol. But that’s not really a problem. :] But seriously, I do fall behind sometimes. Ha. So I have to chose wisely on which ones I listen to.

2. Defensive Security
This one is awesome because it focuses on the news concerning infosec, much like Pauls Security Weekly, except they go a bit into detail with some of the stories and all for it to be a bit for approachable. It features Jerry Bell and Andrew Kalat as the hosts, and I find their voices quite soothing and friendly.
My only gripe with this podcast it is that they don’t have a description for any of their episodes. You kind of have to see how it goes and roll the dice, and for the most part I do like the episodes. Far and few between episodes do I feel like, eh, I wasted time on this episode. But the links they provide give an inkling as to what they will be talking about.

3. Darknet Diaries
Oh my god! This is one is a must to everyone! Whether you are into security or not! It features Jack Rhysider as the narrator. But this one is more of a story mode sort of podcast. He narrates a very detailed story concerning cyber attacks, crypto currencies, game hacking and several other. And provides great research behind then and really immerses you into what is going on.
But great research requires time, and so the only problem with this podcast is that there are only 1 episodes every month. So if you get into it, and find that you’ve binged listened to all the episodes, that’s great, but that’s bad! Because now you have to wait a whole month until the next one. Haha. But that’s okay, you can just fill up your listening with PSW! Lol.

4. Beers With Talos
This podcast features several dudes from Cisco, whose names are as follows: Mitch Neff, Craig Williams, Joel Esler, Matt Olney, and Nigel Houghton and Nick Biasini. This one is pretty cool, kinda similar to PSW, but more conversation driven, and less interview type. So sometimes the segments go a little off track, buts its nice in the sense that, (this is going to sound lame) but you really feel like you’re listening to your friends having a conversation. And some conversations will of course be about infosec, but others are about tech news. So I find it pretty cool.
My only gripe with this podcast is there are a bit too many hosts. I don’t keep track of who said what, because that’s just tedious. If one of them says sometime noteworthy I remember what was said, and not who said it, which I suppose it’s a good and bad thing.

5. Smashing Security This podcast is fun and light hearted and I really enjoy it. It features Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault, and while its not heavy in the infosec news, they do talk about tech news and make it funny, with some sarcasm. And I always welcome humor. Its incorporates some interview with a special guest, but I think the dynamic betweek Graham and Carole is hilarious. Its entertaining to listen to when they don’t agree on something. I find myself smiling after every episode.
The podcast isnt as security related as I would like, but it doesnt take away at all from the podcasts.

So there you have it! Those are my top 5 Infosec related podcast I truly listen to because I actually enjoy them. Of course there are several more out there, but I either don’t like them or have never heard of them. So leave me a comments on which infosec/tech related podcasts you listen to and think I would enjoy? Thanks for reading! :]

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