Basic Ports To Know


Ayy oh! Hows it going? Lazy post again, but I thought I would briefly go over the basic networking ports you should know. Obviously this list is not comprehensive, but they are common enough that you should cause it will save you time.

22 -- SSH – Secure Shell
23 -- Telnet
3389 -- RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol

File Transfers
23 -- FTP – File transfer protocol
989 -- FTP over SSL
110 -- POP3 – Post Office Protocol
995 -- POP3 over SSL
25 -- SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
465 -- SMTP over SSL

80 -- HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
8080 -- - HTTP Proxy – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (Proxy)
443 -- HTTPS – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (Secure)
<>8443 -- HTTPS Alt – Hyper TextTransferProtocol (Secure) Alternative

Important Miscellaneous
53 -- DNS – Domain Name Server
67 -- DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
143 -- IMAP4 – Internet Message Access Protocol
993 -- IMAP4 Over SSL

161 -- SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
520 -- RIP – Routing Information Protocol
179 -- BGP – Border Gateway Protocol

389 -- LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1812 -- Radius – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
88 -- Kerberos
49 -- TACACS – Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System

3306 -- MySQL – “My” Structured Query Language
5432 -- PostgreSQL – Postgres Structured Query Language
1433 -- Microsoft SQL – Microsoft Structured Query Language

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