August Progress


Heyyohh! August was quite productive and I’m proud of myself! I just noticed I haven’t written a blog post since July. Wonder if that’s a strat for accomplishing more?

Anyways, as usual, I’ll answer the follow questions to see where I’m progressing.

What book did I read for August?

What tech books am I focused on and how far am I?

What have I learned this month?
This month, aside from I’m learning whats in the books above, I’m also learning Machine Learning. I registered for a class on Coursera and been watching their videos and taking their quizzes. So far I’m only at the point of knowing what supervised & unsupervised learning is, as well as downloaded Octave for the math that’s needed. But not much else. But like the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race.

Side unnecessary learning: I’m also currently learning how to stream on twitch, and am seriously thinking of starting that in either September or October. It might be my accountability partner for learning Mon-Wed. Feel free to follow me there if you so desire? Might go well, might not, either way, I’ll at least trying.

What knowledge have I shared with others?
So this month I actually managed to publish four videos on my Youtube channel, and of those 4, 3 were sharing knowledge.

You’ll notice two are CISSP related, and (like i say in the videos) disclaimer I am not CISSP certified, I just happen to stumble across the flash cards while declutter, but wanted to share the definitions and not have them go to waste in the trash.

Did I participate in the tech community? This one is still a no, and its bumming me out. It’s not like I’m a pariah, its just a bit difficult for me to (virtually) socialize with others I don’t know very well. I’ve also been failing to attend the WeAreHackerz book clubs cause they kinda seem to happen at random times, and aren’t planned too far ahead in the week.

Defcon Safe mode also happened, but it wasn’t really social interactions, and more just watching talks on twitch. Which is cool for learning, but yeah, I’m at a stump with how to interact with the tech community. Might need to reevaluate why I set these intentions originally… cause it seems to be taking a back seat.

Although I think maybe streaming on Twitch might make me a bit more comfortable virtually socializing with internet peeps.

How can I improve for next month?

Damn I really wrote a bunch in this post, but it makes up for the two posts I didn’t write.

Anyways, thats it for now. I’ll talk to you all in the next one. Thanks for reading! Byeeee!

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