May 2021


Hey internet void. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, but someone on twitter today asked how many domains do I have and I remembered this site still exists and pictured a tumble weed in my head when I answered. So here I am.

Anyways, I read my last post, and yeah…. I’ve been in a depressive slump. Nothing clinical, mostly just sadness as I know why I’m down. Its the same reason everyone in the world is down right now. Quarantine as well as a break up got me really down, and nothing left to do except go through the emotions and wait for time to tell for the world to get “better”. I’m sure others are worse off, but that doesn’t minimize my sadness.

Now, it seems as though things are getting slightly better. I fortunately have received both my vaccines and see a light at the end of the tunnel, but sadly I know that’s not the case for everyone.

And while yes I’m still heart broken, I’m functioning enough to not tear up when I remember memories or listen to songs that remind me of him. Still sucks, but thats heartache, just have to make sure to not suppress the sadness and ride out the storm to see the rainbow. Suppressing and avoiding your emotions just prolongs the suffering.

But yeah, because of ALL THAT, I haven’t made much progress towards all the things I wrote back in….*looks at date on last post* …August! FuCK its been a year! Sadge. Yeah mostly been mentally keeping it together during isolation. :/

Anyways, I’m gonna forget about progress, and just start fresh. Tabula rasa. Clean slate.

What am I excited for right now? Whether it be books, learning, classes, people etc.

What am I currently reading?
– Build your dream network
– Smart Girls Guide to Privacy
– Artificial Unintelligence

– HP5
– Field guide to getting lost
– war of art
– WoT 3

What am I currently learning?
Still learning as part of my job, which is obviously still cool and why I love my job, and has honestly been keeping me sane during this crazy time. But yeah, some environments I got to play around with were Okta and Microsoft Azure, then I deepened my knowledge on LDAP, and then got to play around with Greynoise. All of these are integrations for Graylog for which I took part in building the past year. 🙂 Check us out if you so desire, were open source.

On the side though, I am still interested in ML, it just stopped cause I was in a slump, but currently making my way through this ML course playlist on YT. And at the moment I’m on lesson 2.4, so slowly but surely ill get there, provided I don’t hit another slump, but yeah mostly mood driven.

What am I sharing?
I’m not sure on this one. Took a long break from Instagram, and felt ashamed to say anything on twitter, since thats where I have the most followers. Isolation will do that I suppose? There just wasn’t much to say or share other then life suck, heartache sucks, and asking myself existential questions, and that doesnt add anything to any conversation.

I have been sporadically posting on my youtube channel, but with no real direction to be honest. I’ve treated it the way I treat reading books, its entirely based on my mood. Mainly just sharing what I read. I do hate being on camera, but it kinda helps with my public speaking, but talking about books is easy and I like that. On a side note however, I have been enjoying “vlogging” on TikTok. Not really vlogging, mostly just stringing together live photos that i would take throughout the week. Sometimes theres beauty in the mundane, and mundane is all there is now. Was surprised at how much I enjoyed that. I dont know why, but it made me feel better somehow. It allowed me to still express myself I think? idk, im not a psychologist. /shrug But I enjoy it, so will probably keep doing it.

Yeah, it’s a Jackson Pollock here, kinda of all over the place.

I’m still intrigued by streaming, as I have NOW honestly seen the value and effect it can have on people. I live alone and work from home, but having a stream on in the background while I work has made me feel less alone. And im sure that sounds sad and bonkers to norm andys, but who cares. All that to say, it be nice to have that effect on people. But it obviously comes with its own risk, hence the hesitation even before this shit show year. But it would be nice to make a community.

What am I even saying?
All this so say that I’m forgiving myself for the lack of progress I’ve made since August 2020. I could only run on empty for so long, eventually the buck stops. I was hopeful and naive, and had no clue of what was to come. And my mental and physical health were top priority at the time, and thats ok.

Pointless post to be honest, mostly just writing for future me to read and look back on. A breakpoint for debugging in the future.

If someone is actually reading this, I hope you’re alright and hope your mental and physical health are well.

Take care. Prayge.

< >