November 2021


Hello. I’m a bit freaked out. Made a huge grown up decision and am still kind of in shock, but not regretting it. Change is inevitable and is required for progress. Taking the first leap is just always scary.

I’m purposely speaking vague, but future me will know what I’m getting at.

Anyways, why did I start writing this post?… oh right, progress, intentions, learning, life update, etc.

Lets rewind. This past October I had the opportunity to not only go to some conferences, but I also got to go to a live show in California. The conferences were LASCON (Lonestar Application Security CONference) and Texas Cyber Summit, and the show was Chainfest.

And I had an amazing time! I got to experience a live show again after almost two years. Something I had been dying to do forever but couldnt cause the world is in the shitter. Circa Survive and Taking Back Sunday and Jimmy Eat World were all there. This was the first time (and probably only time) seeing both Taking Back Sunday and Jimmy Eat World. Anyways, I was reminded of what it was like to be happy and in the moment. And I loved every minute of it and was deeply sad when I returned home. Nothing last forever.

The next weekend was the conferences, and while I am not the greatest at networking, I did still have a lot of fun. Listening to the enthusiasm in some of these speakers talks was quite a thing to experience. A couple of talks peaked my interest in learning a new coding language and what I could do with that, and other talk gave useful advise on dabbling into different skills. That same week I started a coding tutorial and remember I went to sleep very late that night because I had lost track of time. I was having fun coding again. Not coding cause I have to but coding because I want to. No longer feeling like an imposter. I AM a coder, and I felt like myself again. Felt good.

Anyways, after those two weekends, something shifted. Some sparks had occured. And I didn’t realize something was missing until I felt that.

So in tending to keep that spark, or recapture it, I have some intentions I want to write down.

Tech is always changing, and thats the fun in it. And you gotta put your own meaning in life, otherwise its just not worth existing.

Thanks care


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