March Progress


Hey, in this post I just wanted to share my progress since my last post in 11/2021. Its been a while, a thought it would be good to reflect on the progress I've made.

What books did I finish reading?

What tech book am I focused on?
- Real World Bug Hunting By Peter Yarwoski

What books do I plan on reading in April?
- The Big Nine By Amy Webb
- Mona Lisa Over Drive By William Gibson

What am I currently learning?
- Started learning javascript and how loops, maps and filters work
- Also learning on improving on bug hunting skills

What knowledge have I shared with others?
- I shared some blockchain definitions

Did I share advice?
Yes, I shared two videos on my Youtube channel
- Dont Get Hacked
- Get Into Tech

Did I make anything

Moving Forward
What am I looking forward to?
- Creating more stuff

What made me happy this month?
- Too big of a question, ask again later

Did I participate in the tech community?
- No, Sadge

How can I improve for next month?
- Put in the time for learning on stream, take accountability

Tech To Learn in 2022
Did I make progress in the following:
Bug Bounty / pentester lab progress?
- Yes
2d platformer progress?
- No
Javascript progress?
- Yes
Swift progress?
- No
ML progress?
- No

Thanks it for this quarterly progress wrap up.
Thanks for reading.

#books #projects

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