April Progress


Hey, April is coming to a close, and it's time to see what progress, if any, I've made. So I'll just jump right in.

What book(s) did I finish reading? - Turning Pro by by Steven Pressfield - I enjoyed it, I gave it 4/5 stars on goodreads
- Similar to The War of Art (but better in my opinion)
- makes a contrast between the pro and the amateur
- the pro always pushes through resistance, the amateur does not

- Mona Lisa Over Drive By William Gibson
- not a fun read, don't care to read it

What book(s) do I plan on reading in May?
- The Big Nine By Amy Webb

What am I currently learning?
- how to utilize Rust by creating a snake game

What do I want to learn/continue learning in May?
- Rust snake game
- javascript tutorial

What knowledge have I shared with others?
- I made a TCPDump tutorial video :)

Did I share advice?
- No, not this month

Did I make anything
- No, not yet

Did I participate in the tech community?
- No, Sadge

Moving Forward
Habit changes
- reading: 15 min sessions, 3 times a week
- learning: 30 min sessions, twice a week
- coding: 30 min session, 2-3 times a week
- community: attend one tech meetup once a month

How can I improve for next month?
- Incorporate habit changes on stream, take accountability

Tech To Learn in 2022
Did I make progress in the following:
Bug Bounty / pentester lab progress?
- no, paused for now
ML progress?
- a little bit, I streamed it
2d platformer progress?
- yes, rust snake game
Mobile app progress?
- not at all
Javascript progress?
- not this month

Thats it for this months progress update.
Thanks for reading!


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